Rabbi Meir Malka Shlit”a in Holy Call to Join Important Fundraising Appeal

The Rabbinic Council of the holy Breslov community of Shuvu Banim in a holy call for the important fundraising appeal.

The words of the tzaddik Rav Meir Malka shlit”a in a holy call to join the fundraising appeal:

We have merited, with Hashem’s kindness, already for a substantial period of several months – so be it until 120 years – that the Rav shlit”a comes out to us in prayers and shiurim, [and we] merit to such uplifting and revelations.

However, on what basis?  If not the “Tent of Meeting” of the tzaddik, if not the tent of the tzaddik, if not the Beit Midrash of the tzaddik!

The illumination of the tzaddik right now in the souls of the Jewish people isn’t how he could illuminate, and not how he [truly] illuminates.  When there is the Beit HaMidrash of the tzaddik, then to there the souls gather, to there they come, and there they merit to receive the light truly in greater completeness.

We have, baruch Hashem, this holy merit to dwell in the shade of the tzaddik already for a good number of months, but let’s put our minds on one point.

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Baruch Hashem, the Beit HaMidrash is becoming more and more established, grounded – more repairs, renovations, greater numbers of books, bookshelves, [and] the rest of things surrounding [this]…the expansion which they’re involved in in order to enlarge it.  All of this gives a place to the souls of the Jewish people to come to learn and to pray with a settled mind, and to come with vessels and desires to receive the influence of the tzaddik who illuminates within us.

We’re now in the period in which the Beit HaMidrash is beginning to develop skin and arteries.  It’s built up more, established more, and more expansive.  With Hashem’s help, this is definitely a preparation for receiving thousands upon thousands of Jewish souls that are destined to join in and draw closer.  However, there is awesome merit – this is a complete different level – for those souls who were involved in the building at the beginning – the building of the Beit HaMidrash, and the building of the tent of the tzaddik, and in the future there will be more souls.

Also they will most likely join in and give, but how great and lofty is the merit of those who were first.  We are called now the first ones, that with Hashem’s help, through us now the Beit HaMidrash is beginning to be built, is beginning to be founded, is beginning to be established.

With Hashem’s help, these matters already began three years ago.  There was a great and awesome arousal amongst the people of the tzaddik – everyone, baruch Hashem, took part and contributed, and took onto themselves a part in the holy matter of the Beit HaMidrash with a monthly donation of $148 – who didn’t take part in this, baruch Hashem!

Today, with Hashem’s kindness, more souls have been added, so they’ve given us from Heaven the opportunity and the holy merit to take a part in this holy matter of building the Beit HaMidrash through which the tzaddik involves [himself] with illuminating.

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Someone who wants to know what are the expenses of all of this…baruch Hashem, [people] come and see the Beit HaMidrash, see the lighting, see the cleaning, see books, see the rest of things.  Someone who wants to know how much all of this costs can come and ask and know – the expenses are very, very great.  This burden for already a long period rests on the “askanim” [those who take care of the financial concerns of the Rav and Shuvu Banim], may Hashem guard them and give them life, who truly devote themselves with faithfulness and incredible self-sacrifice.

However, as expected, the burden is very great, and not only the continuing expenses, but also the debts which they took onto themselves.  So what do we take from this?

We take from this that we have the holy merit during this time to arouse our hearts to take part with a good heart.

The holy Or HaChaim writes that now we will merit to erect the Tabernacle.  Hashem writes, “From each person whose heart moves him, take My gift” (Shemot 25:2).  Hashem says to Moshe Rabbeinu, “Speak to the Israelites and take for Me a gift,” but Hashem adds, “from each person whose heart moves him, take My gift.”

A gift which a person gives if it comes from the generosity of his heart isn’t the same.  The generosity of the heart comes from a place such that a person understands in his heart more than what is being done with us.  A person, so to speak, looks as if he is giving, but what a person receives through this is very awesome.  [And this] isn’t [even] talking about the merit for the generations.

Rabbi Natan brings in Hilkhot Beit HaKnesset (6) that this is an aspect of the mitzvah of building a synagogue and study hall, which is a very great mitzvah which stands for generations if the intention is for Heaven’s sake.

So Rabbi Natan says that it is a very great mitzvah which stands for generations if the intention is for Heaven’s sake, because in the synagogue all the souls which come are gathered together.  Every synagogue is like this, but Rabbi Natan writes that how much more so the Beit HaMidrash that’s for the sake of the tzaddik, where [people] are involved more in the matters of the tzaddik.  Then all the more so the level is many times greater.

Rabbi Natan brings afterwards, [that] therefore, it’s certainly an endlessly greater mitzvah to make the effort of building a synagogue and study hall for Heaven’s sake, as Rashi explains on the verse in Kohelet, “A lover of abundance has no wheat.  This, too, is futility!” (Kohelet 5:9).  Rashi explains on this verse that even if one does many mitzvot, but there isn’t amongst them a mitzvah which lasts for the generations like the building of a synagogue and study hall, then there is much that is lacking, as it were.  Then in Hashem’s kindness, they given him [the opportunity for] this holy merit.

As it were, the great difficulty which rests on the askanim is from Heaven, in order to give us the merit, to given us this merit, to give us a portion by taking part in this holy endeavor.

Then, bezrat Hashem, we shall merit to arouse our hearts with a good heart, with your generosity.  Each person should register for a monthly donation.  Whoever already began with this three years ago, then, on the contrary, continue with this.

Rabbi Natan writes that in heaven they write down for a person not only the mitzvot – rather, all the effort that he had in each mitzvah.  Continue through a monthly donation this holy yoke.  Then, bezrat Hashem, whoever already began, on the contrary, continue this.  Make a real effort for the holy sum of 148 – this adds up, with Hashem’s kindness, to great sums through which the askanim can involve themselves in what they do, as we see, and their hands are still outstretched.

Bezrat Hashem, we should merit to arouse a good heart, all of us, to take part in this holy matter of a monthly donation.

Whoever can give merit to other friends…  These words are essentially not only meant for the public who are present here, rather for all friends of the community that are found in every place.  Who won’t believe?  Who won’t join?  Who doesn’t want to be a part?

So, with Hashem’s kindness, people come here in order to receive!  Baruch Hashem, we merit to receive.  Now they are also giving us the merit to be a part of the building of this holy endeavor.

Hashem Yitbarach should give us the merit, all the friends, to take a part in the building of the Beit HaMidrash of the tzaddik.

And we should merit to a complete redemption soon, Amen.

For the words of the tzaddik Rav Ofer Erez shlit”a about joining the fundraising appeal – click here


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