“Moshiach is in the North of Israel”: Rabbi Avraham Boruch with a message from a Tzaddik Nistar

Message to Am Yisrael from a Tzaddik Nistar:

“The kochav is going to deal the [evildoers] a strong blow.”


There is a hidden tzaddik, a Tzaddik Nistar, who is in touch with some tzaddikim around Israel once or twice a year, when he gives over a message.

A few days ago, this hidden Tzaddik – who is over 100 and has taken it upon himself to live in a cave somewhere in the desert for almost 20 years – got back in touch with Rabbi Avraham Baruch, to pass on another one of the messages.

The messages are coming from a ‘revelation of Eliyahu HaNavi’, i.e. a message from Heaven, and they usually take the form of some sort of warning, or instruction, about what Heaven wants from the Jewish nation, at this period of time. Usually, the Tzaddik Nistar passes these messages along in the form or a short note.

We are pleased to bring a translation of the Tzaddik Nistar’s most recent note, as it was received by Rabbi Avraham Baruch, and related in his own words.


You can hear Rabbi Baruch giving the message over in the original Hebrew in the clip below:


Am Yisrael is currently in the most fragile of situations.

We need to strengthen ourselves a great deal, before the test of emuna that stands before us, and it’s assur (forbidden) to despair at all – at all!

“As much as the reshaim (evildoers) are preparing very strongly for the kochav (star / comet), the kochav stands ready to pass close by to us, and Moshiach Tzidkaynu is connected to this kochav. He is going to fight all the wards of Israel with this kochav.

“In any case, this kochav is going to deal them a strong blow.


“Moshiach is already here.

Moshiach is to be found in Israel. Ask the tzaddikim hagadolim (the biggest tzaddikim), who are saying that the Moshiach is to be found in the North of Israel, and he’s flesh and blood, [it’s] a moment before pulling the trigger, before he is revealed to Am Yisrael.

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“The Moshiach can be revealed the merciful way if Am Yisrael will come together in achdut (unity).

Then he will fight the wars of Israel (i.e. the Jewish people) and all the birth pangs will be sweetened, and will pass over to the haters of Israel [instead of on the Jewish people].

“The virus will be nullified, and the Gan Eden of Adam HaRishon will descend.”


“Moshiach is already here.

“But the test of emuna that stands before us is a big one.

“This is an important message for all of the rabbanim (rabbis), the Admors, and the others who are engaged in outreach in Israel (i.e. amongst the Jewish people):

“In this difficult time, we should know that there is no turning back; rather, we need to work with all of our strength to wake Hashem’s people up, to make teshuva from love, for Hashem Yitbarach, and by this, we will merit to have the geula with rachamim (mercy).

“Because from the many sins we do, without paying attention to them, we have already descended into the slavery of the last galut (exile) of Amalek, and the difficulty is unbearable.


At the end of this galut, this evil malchut (literally: royalty, figuratively: government) will spread in Israel, and in the whole world for the duration of nine months.

May we be saved from it, and and may we be redeemed speedily in our days, amen.

Pay attention, that this is beginning with one lockdown, and then another lockdown… Until all of us will be in an absolute lockdown. Don’t say that we didn’t tell you.

Today, it’s still possible to stop this.

Pharoah also started [to enslave] Am Yisrael with soft words.

If we do teshuva, but not completely, meaning with full, heart-felt intention, we will need to complete the relative portion with suffering, the very difficult ‘birthpangs of the Moshiach’, rachmana litzan (Hashem should have mercy).

Therefore, everyone should come, like one man, with one heart, let’s pray together, let’s do teshuva from love, and let’s merit to have geula b’rachamim (redemption with mercy), TODAY! If we will only listen to his voice.

But it’s a fact 100%, that the world will not return to ‘routine’ again.

We are in the final process of geula, Am Yisrael, and how it’s going to come – either with din (harsh judgment) or rachamim (mercy) depends on us.”


Thus ends the message from the Tzaddik Nistar, that was passed along via Rabbi Avraham Baruch.

This seems like a fitting place to include the recent words of the kabbalist Rav Sheinfeld, shlita, who said:

“We have received this from the tzaddikim, that we are in the process of the birth pangs of Moshiach, in the last stage. We are in the last nine months of the birth pangs of Moshiach.”


You can read that full article here:

We are in the last 9 months of the Chevlei Moshiach

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  1. I is definatly. Strange that rav berland is in jail for 8 months over a 5000 shekel claim!
    He is 84 !
    This is highly strange and l wonder the real motivations of the state?


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