Breslov Women

off the fence

Nowhere to hide

Nowhere to hide Last Wednesday morning, I had one of those weird hashgacha pratit (Divine providence) moments, that really show you that God is in...
Jewish children sleeping on highway at Belarus - Ukraine border after being denied entry

The Shocking Truth Behind the Humanitarian Disaster at the Ukrainian Borders

UPDATE FROM RIVKA LEVY SEPT 15TH 2020 UMAN, UKRAINE After a week of sitting here feeling sorry for myself, today the mood finally ‘broke’ and...
Cleaning the floor in the Beit HaMikdash

5778: The Year of Unattained Desires

  The Year of Unattained Desires (aka,Cleaning the floor in the Beit HaMikdash) The last few months, I’ve been finding it really hard to get motivated...
Rav Kanievsky and Rav Berland

What happens when Moshiach comes?

What happens when Moshiach comes? With all the ‘buzz’ about Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s latest comments about Moshiach coming before the Israeli Elections, to be held...

The calm before the storm?

Is this the calm before the storm? A few weeks’ ago, when I tried to unpack the Zohar that seemed to be talking about what...
off the fence

Coming off the fence

Coming off the fence Every year, shortly after I drop my husband off at the airport to get the plane out to Uman, for the...

The pursuit of happiness

The last few days, the rollercoaster has been in full swing, at least in the Levy household. One minute, I’m just so grateful to Hashem...

Ein Od Milvado

Surprisingly, I had the best seder night ever this year. The only new thing I had to say shechiyanu on was a jeans skirt that...

You may have missed...

The Moment that Moshe was Born, They Already Knew About the Redemption – Daily...

The Daily Chizzuk by Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Disparagement saves from death Sunday, 28 Adar-Bet 5784 Esther grew up all her life without a mother or father.  She only danced with Hashem.  She only...

“A Person Needs to Nullify Himself to the Tzaddik” – Daily Shiur with Rabbi...

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, given on Thursday of Parshat Tzav, 19 Adar-Bet, after Maariv: Three seriously wounded, a car with small children aged four was attacked.  Poor things, all of...

Said the Tikkun HaKlali and was Saved from an Anti-Tank Missile 

“Say one Tikkun HaKlali worth everything! One Tikkun HaKlali is worth more than a thousand swords, a thousand arrows, and a thousand bows!” So said Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a in shiurim a...

“For Shuvu Banim, There was Light and Gladness” 

Awesome Photo Gallery of the Shushan Purim celebrations from the courtyard of our Beit Midrash - Shuvu Banim, some eight hours straight of non-stop dancing.  Everyone knows that anyone who wants to experience the true...