Prayer to clean our hearts while we clean our homes

Prayer #1387 – To merit to purify our hearts from all the shmutz and the blemishes while we’re cleaning our homes from chametz.

Master of the World who can do anything, and from whom nothing is lacking.

Give us the merit to clean and purify our hearts at the time that we are cleaning for chametz.

Please answer, Hashem.

At the time when I am here, cleaning the house from chametz, give me the merit of cleaning and purifying my heart, too, from all the different kinds of waste and chametz that still exists within my heart.

And I will get away from all the different types of waste and from my pagmei habrit (blemishes of the brit), until I am completely purified.

Please answer, Hashem.

Give me the merit that at the time I’m cleaning the house from chametz, to purify and cleanse my heart, from all the different types of filth and chametz, and pagmei habrit.

And at the time that I’m cleaning the house from chametz, I should merit to hear all the 10 Commandments anew, like at the time of Matan Torah (the giving of the Torah).

And fulfill within me the verse: “I will bathe in the cleanliness of my hands and circle Hashem’s alter.”

And the verse: “They said, the Korban Pesach for Hashem” should be fulfilled within me.

And I should always wash my hands, and have the intention at the time of washing to purify the ‘upper palms’, and to cleanse the upper hands, where this is the chessed and gevurah of Adam Kadmon.

And at the time that I’m cleaning my house from chametz, I will purify all the upper 248 limbs and 365 sinews of Adam Kadmon.

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And I should merit at the time that I am here purifying my house, to have the intention to purify the ‘upper’ house, where there is the root of the upper Beit HaMikdash.

And where there is the root of the kruvim (cherubim), who are the tachlit (purpose) of the heavens and earth, the tachlit of the upper Beit HaMikdash.

And by way of washing my hands with water, we continue [the flow] of the upper waters of chessed, from the right hand of Adam Kadmon.

And from there will flow all the chassidim (kindnesses) for the whole year, for every single detail, and for every single person, for every man and every woman, and for every boy and girl.



Continue To Believe and Don’t Be Afraid – Message from Binyamin Goldin

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