Rav Arush: This is the last Uman Rosh Hashana before Moshiach

Rav Shalom Arush: 5781 is the last Rosh Hashana in Uman before Moshiach

Rabbi Shalom Arush, shlita, one of Rabbi Berland’s long standing pupils and the head of the Chut Shel Chessed institutions has just put out a powerful clip explaining the importance of being in Uman for Rosh Hashana this year, 5781.

In the clip, which has simultaneous translation into English, Rav Arush explains that the presents and benefits from Uman will be many, many times greater this year, because of all the miniot (obstacles) associated with getting there.

Rav Arush also promises that no-one will suffer any undue circumstances or harm from making the trip to and from Uman, and perhaps most importantly of all, he says that:

This is the last Rosh Hashana in Uman before Moshiach is revealed. And that there is a strong possibility that Moshiach could even reveal himself on Rosh Hashana 5781 itself.


You can see the powerful clip for yourself, below:


Awesome Secrets of Uman, Rosh Hashana

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