Breslov Women

statue of liberty

The Secret of 52

The secret of 52 Last week after the US illegally blew up Iranian General Soleimani in Iraq, Donald Trump warned that if Iran dared to...

The difference a little bit makes

Two days ago, an article appeared on the Shuvu Banim website explaining the plight of two chareidi families who urgently needed $4000 to marry...
playing cards

Skin in the game

Over the last few years, the pidyonot I’ve done can be divided into two broad groups: Ones that were done to directly benefit me,...

The next Emuna Revolution

It's time for the way we relate to 'emuna' to evolve. The last few months (ok, years….) it’s been so flipping heavy, hasn’t it? Every...

Dual loyalties

Who are we really loyal to? Over the last couple of years, I’ve come to realise that Rabbi Berland’s conversations and stories are operating at...

Who is Armilus?

Who is Armilus, Really? *IMPORTANT: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BELOW ARE SOLELY THE AUTHOR'S.* As part of the ongoing editing job I’m doing, trying to turn the...

Rabbenu’s got our back

BH, Rabbenu’s got our back As I sat there in shul on Rosh Hashana, where the service seemed to be dragging on forever, watching my...

5779: The year in review

So much got sweetened, in 5779 As we stand on the cusp of a new year, 5780, I thought I’d just take a broad look...

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What is the Name of the Redemption? – Daily Chizzuk with Rabbi Eliezer Berland...

The Daily Chizzuk of Moreinu HaRav Rabbi Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Yael hid Sisra under the laundry tub Wednesday, 2 Nisan 5784 Yael – “And she covered him with a smicha” (Shoftim 4:18).  But there is...

Merit to the Holy Mitzvah of Kimcha D’Pischa

Everyone is joining together to donate for the continuation of the holy tradition of distributing Kimcha D’Pischa food baskets for Passover and to take care of 100’s of poor families. In recent years, over 1,400...

The Moment that Moshe was Born, They Already Knew About the Redemption – Daily...

The Daily Chizzuk by Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Disparagement saves from death Sunday, 28 Adar-Bet 5784 Esther grew up all her life without a mother or father.  She only danced with Hashem.  She only...

“A Person Needs to Nullify Himself to the Tzaddik” – Daily Shiur with Rabbi...

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, given on Thursday of Parshat Tzav, 19 Adar-Bet, after Maariv: Three seriously wounded, a car with small children aged four was attacked.  Poor things, all of...